(1.)Heard Ms. B. Choudhury, learned counsel for the review petitioner. I have also heard Mr. D. Das, learned counsel representing the respondent.
(2.)This review petition has been filed by the election petitioner in terms of the leave granted by the Hon'ble Supreme Court by the order dated 29102018 passed in SLP(C) Diary No. 349312018 preferred against the order dated 12062018 passed by this Court.
(3.)The election petitioner, as applicant, had earlier filed an application numbered and registered as I.A.(C) No. 8712018 with a prayer under Order XVIII Rule 17 CPC to recall the respondent's witness (RW1) for fresh crossexamination. Another application being I.A.(C) No. 8722018 was filed by the election petitioner with a prayer to issue summons to the Returning Officer to appear and depose as a witness. The said prayer was made at a stage when the evidence of the respondents was completed.
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