(1.)Both the C.R.P. and the Appeal Suit can be disposed of by a common judgment.
(2.)O.S.No. 23 of 1987 (Old No. O.S. 7/82) is filed under Section 14(2) of the Arbitration Act for direction to Defendants No. 1 to 5 (Arbitrators) to produce original Award dated 4-2-1982 into the Court and to make it a Rule of Law while O.S.No. 25 of 1987 (Old No. O.S. 13/82) was filed by Defendant No. 6 in O.S.No. 23/1987 for partition of plaint-: A to E schedule properties into 10 equal shares and for separate possession and for permanent injunction restraining Defendant No. 5 to 9(Arbitrators) from passing an Award in terms of Arbitration Agreement dated 6-10-1981. For purpose of clarity O.S. No. 23/87 is referred to herein as arbitration suit and O.S.No. 25/87 is referred to herein as partition suit. While the C.R.r. is filed against the judgment and decree in O.S.No.23/1987, Appeal Suit is filed against the judgment and decree in O.S.No. 25/1987.
(3.)For proper appreciation of the case, His necessary to refer the facts leadingto the filing of the C.R.P. and A.S.
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