(1.)HEARD both the counsel.
(2.)AGGRIEVED by the judgment and decree dated 30. 07. 1996 passed by the court of Subordinate Judge at Chodavaram in A. S. No. 25/1989 in allowing the appeal by reversing the judgment and decree dated 14. 2. 1989 passed by the court of Principal District Munsif, Chodavaram in O. S. No. 173/1983 and thereby dismissing the suit for injunction, the plaintiffs filed the present appeal.
(3.)DURING the pendency of the first appeal, the original plaintiff died and his legal representatives were brought on record. The original 1st defendant also died during the pendency of the second appeal and by order dated 7. 11. 2000 in CMP. No. 6835/1998, his legal representatives were brought on record.
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