(1.)This court ordered notice before admission on 15-11-2007 and issued Rule
Nisi on 13-12-2007. Counter affidavits are filed.
(2.)Sri Ch.Shankar Rao-writ petitioner filed the present writ petition praying
for a Writ of Mandamus declaring the action of the respondents in conducting
written examination while appointing a dealer for Fair Price Shop in Kotari
Village, Ichapuram Mandal, Srikakulam District, as arbitrary, illegal and
unconstitutional and consequently to direct the respondents to conduct interview
only as per rules, while setting aside the selection process taken on 07-11-2007
by respondent No.4, culminating in the selection of respondent No.5 as dealer of
Fair Price Shop, Kotari Village with consequential effect of setting aside the
proceedings Rc.No.1317/2007 A, dated 08-11-2007 by the 4th respondent and pass
such other suitable orders.
(3.)Sri K.S.Murthy, learned counsel representing the writ petitioner had taken
this court through the contents of the affidavit filed in support of the writ
petition, the contents of the counter affidavits filed by respondents 4 and 5 as
well and also had drawn the attention of this Court to the relevant portion of
G.O.Ms.No.53, dated 06-10-2003 and would maintain that when the rules governing
the field do not contemplate conducting written examination, the very selection
process is vitiated, since it is not in controversy at all that written
examination had been conducted and marks had also be taken into consideration
in the selection process and hence, the impugned selection cannot be sustained
and the same is liable to be quashed and if necessary the vacancy to be notified
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