(1.)This Civil Revision Petition is preferred
by Vepa Venkateswarlu, the petitioner in
A.T.C.No. 3 of 1986 on the file of the Tenancy
Tribunal/District Munsif, Narsipatnam,
aggrieved by the reversing order made in
A.T.A.No. 11 of 1991 by the Appellate
Authority/District Judge, Visakhapatnam.
(2.)The original revision petitioner died
pending the civil revision petition and the
legal representatives have been brought on
record. Vepa Venkateswarlu, the petitioner
in A.T.C.No.3 of 1986 on the file of the
Tenancy Tribunal/District Munsif,
Narsipatnam had filed the said ATC against
the said respondents for payment of rents for
the years 1983,1984 and 1985 onwards and
also prayed for delivery of possession of the
schedule lands after evicting the
respondents/ tenants on the ground that they
had committed default in payment of rents.
On the respective pleadings of the parties,
the Tenancy Tribunal/District Munsif,
Narsipatnam had recorded the evidence of
P.W-1 and R.W-1 and also had marked
documents Exs.A-1 to A-17 and on
appreciation of the oral and documentary
evidence, ultimately came to the conclusion
that the respondents/tenants had committed
default and hence the petitioner is entitled to
the reliefs prayed for by an order dated
24-10-1991. The tenants aggrieved of the same
had preferred A.T. A.No.l1 of 1991 on the file
of the appellate authority/District Judge,
Visakhapatnam and during pendency of the
appeal, the 1st appellant died and appellants
8 and 9 were added as legal representatives
of the 1st appellant as per orders dated
24-03-1994 in I.A.No.2119 of 1993. The
respondents/tenants filed I.A.No.776of 1995
praying the Court to permit them to file
additional counter-affidavit on behalf of the
respondents in A.T.C.No. 3 of 1986 wherein
a specific stand was taken that the land in
question formed part of Kotauratla estate
and after abolition of the said estate, these
parties who are the cultivating tenants have
no permanent occupancy rights and are
entitled to ryotwari pattas and the rights of
the land holders became extinguished under
the Madras Estates Abolition Act and they
had also taken a stand that suppressing the
said fact Vepa Venkateswarlu filed
A.T.C.No.3 of 1986 under Section 13 of the
A.P.(Andhra Area) Tenancy Act, 1980(?)
(hereinafter referred to as 'the Act'). Several
other factual details had also been narrated.
As can be seen from the material available on
record before the appellate authority/District
Judge, Visakhapatnam, Exs. A-18 to A-21 and
Exs.B-1 to B-41 were marked. After elaborate
discussion, the appellate authority/District
Judge, Visakhapatnam had arrived at a
conclusion that the application under
Section 13 of the Act is not maintainable
since the respondents/tenants were no longer
tenants on the date of filing of the said ATC
under the Act and hence they are not liable to
be evicted.
(3.)Sri Subrahmanyam Narasu, learned
counsel representing the appellants had
submitted that the appellate authority in fact
had not decided the question of default which
had been decided by the primary tribunal
but had reversed the order of the primary
tribunal on different grounds. The learned
counsel also pointed out that when additional
new pleas had been taken at the appellate
stage instead of affording proper
opportunity, the appellate authority/District
Judge, Visakhapatnam had proceeded to
decide with the matter after marking the
documents. The learned counsel also pointed
out that in the light of the facts and
circumstances it is clear that the case set up
by the respondents in I.A.No.776 of 1995 is
totally inconsistent with their stand taken in
their original counter in A.T.C.No.3 of 1986.
The learned counsel also had made elaborate
submissions relating to the nature of the land
and also applicability or otherwise of the
provisions of the Estates Abolition Act and
also the findings relating to doctrine of res
judicata recorded by the appellate authority/
District Judge, Visakhapatnam.
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