(1.)This is an appeal filed
against the judgment of the Sessions Judge,
Machilipatnam, Krishna District in S.C.No.2
of 1987 dated 13.5.1987.
(2.)The accused Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, 19 and 23 are the appellants herein. They are
all residents of Chilakalapudi. The case
of the prosecution in brief is as follows.
P.W. 1, who is a resident of Chilakalalpudi
submitted a complaint, Ex.P-1 dated
12.9.1985 before the Sub-Inspector of
Police, Kuchipudi Police Station to the effect
that at 11 a.m. on the same day A-1 armed
with spear followed by 22 others armed
with sticks came to his house with a common
object of doing away with him. He stated
that on seeing them, he and his wife
went inside the house, bolted the door
from inside and he climbed the attic and sat
there. While so, it is alleged, A1 and other
accused entered the house damaging the
door, which fell down, and demolished the
walls after entering the house. Thereupon,
the accused dragged P.W.I from the attic
and beat him with sticks. It is alleged that
P.W.2 and P.W.3, the wife and mother
respectively of P.W.1 were also injured when
they tried to intervene. In the complaint,
Ex.P-1 the complainant furnished all the
names of the persons who witnessed the
occurrence. On the basis of the said complaint
a case was registered in Cr.No.62 of 1985
for the offences punishable under
Sections 147, 448, 427, 324 and 307 IPC.
After completion of investigation a charge-
sheet was filed. The charge-sheet was taken
on file as P.R.C.No.9 of 1986 on the file of
the Judicial First Class Magistrate,
Avanigadda, who committed the matter to
the Court of Session, Krishna, which was
registered as S.C.No.2 of 1987. When the
charge sheet was read over the accused
pleaded not guilty.
(3.)In support of the case of the prosecution P.Ws. 1 to 15 were examined
and documents Exs.P-1 to P-19 and M.Os.1
to 5 were marked. On behalf of the
defence none were examined but documents
Exs.D-1 to D-24 and M.O.6 were marked.
On appreciation of oral and documentary
evidence, the trial court convicted A-1 to
A-3, A-5, A-19 and A-23 for the offence
punishable under Section 148 IPC and
sentenced them to suffer R.1. for one year
each. They were further convicted for the
offence under Section 452 IPC and sentenced
to suffer R.I. for four years each and to
pay a fine of Rs.100/- each, in default to
undergo R.I. for one month. They were also
convicted for the offence under Section 426
IPC and sentenced to suffer R.1. for two
months each. A-1 was also convicted for the
offence under Section 326 IPC and sentenced
to suffer R.I. for four years and to pay fine
of Rs.100/- in default to suffer R.I. for one
month. For the offence under Section 324
IPC, he was sentenced to suffer R.I. for one
year and for the offence under Section 450
IPC, he was sentenced to suffer R.I. for four
years and to pay a fine of Rs.100/-, in
default to suffer R.I. for one month. A-2,
A-3, A-5, A-19 and A-23 were convicted
for the offence punishable under Section 326
r/w 149 IPC and sentenced to suffer R.I. for
four years each and to pay fine of Rs.100/-
each, in default to suffer R.I. for one month
each. They were also convicted for the
offence under Section 324 r/w 149 IPC and
sentenced to suffer R.I. for one year each.
They were further convicted for the offence
under Section 450 r/w 149 IPC and sentenced
to undergo R.I. for four years each and to
pay a fine of Rs.100/- each, in default to
suffer R.I. for one month each. All the
sentences were directed to run concurrently.
Aggrieved by the said conviction and
sentences imposed by the trial Court A-1,
A-2, A-3, A-5, A-19 and A-23 preferred this
criminal appeal.
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