(1.)By medium of these three appeals, judgment dated 05-03-2019 passed in writ petitions bearing WP(C). No. 301/2018, WP(C). No. 302/2018 and WP(C). No. 306/2018 is assailed.
(2.)In terms of the judgment impugned all the three writ petitions have been dismissed on two counts, first, that the petitioners have approached the Court after a long gap of time, second, on merit. The learned Single Judge has concluded as under:
"I find that the petitioners have approached the Court after a long gap of time and from the angle of merit also, it appears from the gradation list prepared by the Meghalaya Public Service Commission that the petitioners are below in rank. Besides that, in my view, merit should be given priority. Therefore, I come to the conclusion that all these three petitions cannot be considered. "
(3.)Vide advertisement notice dated 22nd November, 2006, Meghalaya Public Service Commission, Shillong (MPSC) invited applications for recruitment to the Meghalaya Civil Services, the process of selection resulted in selection and appointment of 38 candidates to the Junior Grade of MCS notified by the Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Personnel and AR (A) Department vide No. PER. 56/2010/152, dated 1st December, 2010 and also selection and appointment of 11 candidates as Junior Grade of MPS.
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