(1.)Heard Sri Kuldip Shanker Amist, learned counsel for the petitioner and Sri Sharad Chandra Srivastava, learned Standing Counsel appearing for respondent nos. 1 and 2.
(2.)The present petition has been filed for seeking the following reliefs :-
"i. Issue a writ, order or direction in the nature of certiorari quashing the impugned award dtd. 12/4/2021, passed by the District Magistrate, Etawah, allowing the Claim No. 272800/48/2019/030794 of the respondent no. 3, (Annexure-7 to the writ petition).
ii. Issue a writ, order and direction dismissing the claim of the Respondent No. 3.
iii. Issue any other and further writ, order or direction which the Hon'ble Court may deem fit and just in the circumstances and facts of the case.
iv. Award cost to the petitioner."
(3.)By the rejection order, the Insurance Company has repudiated the claim of respondent no. 3 which was made under the Mukhyamantri Kisan Evam Sarvahit Beema Yojana, on the ground that the income certificate was not produced by the claimant within 45 days of the death of the deceased husband. Challenging the same, the petitioner approached this Court by filing Writ-C No. 563 of 2020 (Sohni Shankwar Vs. State of U.P. And 2 Others), which was disposed of vide order dtd. 14/1/2020. The aforesaid order is quoted as under:-
"Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel.
The claim of the petitioner for grant of benefit under the Mukhyamantri Kisaan Avam Sarvahit Beema Yojana has been rejected by the Insurance Company on a technical ground.
The submission of learned counsel for the petitioner is that the Insurance Company has no authority of law to reject the claim.
It is acceptable to the parties that under the scheme, if for any reason, the Insurance Company finds that the claim is not acceptable or it has reservation in accepting the claim, the proper remedy is to refer the matter to the District Level Committee, headed by the District Magistrate and the decision of the said Committee would be final.
In view of the above, we dispose of the writ petition with liberty to the petitioner to raise his grievance before the District Magistrate. In case, any such representation is made within a period of two weeks from today, the District Magistrate shall call for the records of the claim submitted by the petitioner and after due verification and examination, get it considered by the District Level Committee in accordance with law, most expeditiously, preferably within a period of two months of submission of representation.
The writ petition stands disposed of, accordingly."
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