(1.)As the order dated 03.02.2015 passed by this Court in W.P.No.32237 of 2014 is the subject matter in both Review Petition as in the Contempt Petition, both the Petitions are taken up for disposal by this common order.
(2.)While the Customs Department has taken up the Review Petition seeking to review the order, dated 03.02.2015 passed by this Court in W.P.No.32237, M/s.Himachal Exim, who had the benefit of the order dated 24.10.2014 passed by the Commissioner of Appeals (Appeals-II), Chennai, has come up with the Contempt Petition seeking to punish the respondents/Customs Department for disobedience of the above order dated 03.02.2015 of 2014, wherein, this Court observing that the order of the Appellate Authority has become final, directed the respondents/Customs Department to release the goods covered under the Bills of Entry, dated 07.01.2013.
(3.)For the sake of convenience, the parties are hereinafter referred to as 'M/s.Himachal Exim' and 'Customs Department'.
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