K.K. Sasidharan, J. -
(1.)THIS civil revision petition is directed against the order dated 15 April 2015 in I.A. No. 155 of 2015 in O.S. No. 105 of 2012, whereby and whereunder, the learned District Munsif, Pramakudi was pleased to dismiss the application filed by the petitioners to condone the delay of 365 days in filing the application to set aside the ex -parte decree.
(2.)THE respondent filed a suit against the petitioners praying for a decree directing them to vacate and handover vacant possession. The petitioners failed to appear before the trial Court and the same resulted in passing the ex -parte decree. The petitioners after receipt of notice in the related execution petition, filed application before the trial Court to set aside the ex -parte decree along with an application to condone the delay of 365 days. The learned trial Judge dismissed the said application primarily on the ground that the petitioners have not explained each days delay. Feeling aggrieved by the said order, the unsuccessful petitioners are before this Court.
Heard the learned counsel for the petitioners and the learned counsel for the respondent.
(3.)WHEN this matter came up for hearing on an earlier occasion before me, the respondent agreed to provide equivalent extent of land to the petitioners so as to enable them to construct a residential house and reside there. The petitioners after much persuasion agreed to the said proposal. The matter is posted today for reporting settlement.
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