(1.)The captioned appeals are filed by the petitioners in W.P.(C) Nos. 32272, 36137, 35788, 35613, 35601, 34381, 33874, 34680,
33865, 33861, 29973, 34133, 31585, 29847, 33673, 32240, 34952, 29827, 32252, 29586, 33515, 36995, 34485, 20520 and 17394 of 2022 challenging the common judgment of the learned single Judge dtd. 30/11/2022 dismissing the writ petitions.
(2.)The subject issue arises under the provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 ('Act, 1957'
for short) vis-a-vis seizure of vehicles belonging to the appellants
allegedly for violation of the provisions of the Act, 1957; the
primary reliefs sought for in the writ petitions are: (i) to issue a writ
of mandamus commanding the respondents to release the
Excavator/JCB/other vehicles to the petitioners; and (ii) declare that
the seizure of the vehicle under the provisions of the Act, 1957 by
the Tahsildar/Deputy Tahsildar are per se illegal, in view of Sec. 21(4) of the Act, 1957, as he is not an officer specially empowered to seize the vehicle.
(3.)The pleadings, material and contentions raised in the writ appeals are substantially typical in nature and therefore, separate
narration of facts are not required.