(1.)R.S.A No.146 of 2006 arises from O.S No.458 of 1993. It is a suit for a declaration that Ext A2 = Ext B3 Settlement Deed executed by the plaintiff(father) in
favour of his daughters(defendants) are not binding on
the plaintiff and the plaint schedule property. Pending
the suit, the original plaintiff(father) died. His son
and daughter in law and his wife got impleaded as
additional plaintiffs 2 to 4. Wife passed away pending
the suit.
(2.)R.S.A No.201 of 2006 arises from O.S No.250 of 1995 filed by the daughters against their brother, for prohibitory injunction against interfering with their
possession and enjoyment of the plaint schedule
(3.)The suits were jointly tried. O.S No.458 of 1993 was taken as the leading case. O.S No.458 of 1993 was decreed and O.S No.250 of 1995 was dismissed. The
decree was confirmed in appeal. It is challenging the
same that these Regular Second Appeals have been filed
by the daughters-sisters. For the sake of convenience
the parties are referred to according to their status in
O.S.No.458 of 1993.
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