Decided on August 30,2013

Army Public School Appellant
Narendra Singh Nain Respondents


VALMIKI J.MEHTA, J. - (1.)BY this writ petition, the petitioner -school impugns the order of the Delhi School Tribunal (DST) dated 18.9.2012. By the impugned order two appeals filed by the respondent No.1 herein were disposed of. First appeal was filed impugning the termination of the probationary services by the letter dated 21.3.2010. The second appeal had challenged the action of the petitioner -school in passing the termination order dated 10.6.2010 terminating the contractual appointment of the respondent No.1 given in terms of letter of the petitioner -school dated 8.4.2010. DST by the impugned order allowed the appeal which challenged the termination of services of the respondent no.1 as a probationer and he was directed to be reinstated with full back wages. Accordingly, the second appeal of the respondent No.1 challenging the termination of contractual appointment by the petitioner -school's subsequent letter dated 10.6.2010 was held to be infructuous.
(2.)THE facts of the case are that respondent No.1 was firstly appointed as Lower Division Clerk (LDC) on contractual basis by the petitioner -school for a period of one year in terms of letter dated 3.12.2007. After the contractual period came to an end, respondent No.1 was immediately re - appointed as LDC, however on probation, in terms of the appointment letter dated 30.5.2008. The period of probation was one year from 1.4.2008. As per the appointment letter the respondent No.1 was to continue in probation till the services were confirmed in writing by the Managing Committee of the petitioner -school. The period of probation of the petitioner was extended by the petitioner -school for one more year from 1.4.2009 (i.e till 31.3.2010) by the letter dated 31.3.2009. Respondent No.1's services were terminated by a letter dated 21.3.2010 observing that as per the performance reports and advisories given during the extended period of probation, the respondent No.1's services were to stand terminated w.e.f 29.3.2010. Respondent No.1 was however immediately again appointed on 8.4.2010 as a part -time Admission Clerk for one year w.e.f 3.4.2010. Respondent No.1 had however in the meanwhile challenged the order of the petitioner -school terminating his services vide letter dated 21.3.2010 before DST, and consequently when the notice of the appeal filed before the DST reached the petitioner -school, it is contended by the respondent No.1 that immediately thereafter on 10.6.2010, the petitioner -school terminated the contractual appointment given by the letter dated 8.4.2010 by simply stating that the petitioner school no longer requires the services of the respondent No.1.
On the basis of the admitted facts: in the form of various appointment letters and the termination letters which have been issued by the petitioner - school as detailed above; the provision of Rule 105 of the Delhi School Education Act & Rules, 1973; the judgment delivered by me in the case of Hamdard Public School Vs. Directorate of Education and Anr. in W.P.(C) No.8652/2011 decided on 25.7.2013 interpreting Rule 105; and, the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Management Committee of Montfort Senior Secondary School Vs. Sh. Vijay Kumar and Ors., (2005) 7 SCC 472 read with Division Bench judgment of this Court in the case of Social Jurist, a Civil Rights Group Vs. GNCT & Ors. 147 (2008) DLT 729, the issues which arise, and on which counsel for the parties have been heard, are first as to whether the respondent No.1 at all can be said to only be a contractual employee in terms of the first contractual appointment letter dated 3.12.2007 or whether the employment of respondent No.1 since inception in the peculiar facts of this case would have a statutory favour in view of the provisions of the Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973, and secondly as to whether the actions of the petitioner -school amount to over -reach the provision of Rule 105 and is, therefore, against the ratio not only of the categorical language of Rule 105 but also the ratio of the judgment passed by me in the case of Hamdard Public School Vs. Directorate of Education and Anr. (supra). The following issues are, therefore, crystallized for decision by this Court: Should the respondent No.1's services in the facts of this case (i) be not taken as having statutory protection in terms of the Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 since the original date of the contractual appointment in terms of letter dated 3.12.2007. Related with this issue would be whether the respondent No.1 is estopped from challenging the nature of appointment as contractual inasmuch as respondent No.1 thereafter accepted services first as a probationer and thereafter again on contractual basis.

(ii) Whether all the appointment letters, whether giving contractual appointment or as appointment on probation, have to be read in their substance and not in form whereby actually the respondent No.1 should be treated as on probation either from 28.11.2007 or in any case from 1.4.2008 and since there is no mention of termination on account of unsatisfactory services in the termination letter dated 10.6.2010, and none exist as stated in the letter dated 21.3.2010, therefore, respondent No.1 would have confirmation of employment on account of language of Rule 105 and the judgment in the case of Hamdard Public School Vs. Directorate of Education and Anr. (supra).

(3.)SO far as the first issue is concerned, as to whether the respondent No.1's services originally w.e.f 28.11.2007 are contractual in nature or statutory in character, it would be necessary at this stage to refer to the relevant para 10 of the Supreme Court judgment in the case of Management Committee of Montfort Senior Secondary School Vs. Sh. Vijay Kumar and Ors. (supra), but, before I do so I must hasten to add that the observations which are being made by me in this judgment as regards the first issue is because of the facts of this case whereby I am not treating the first appointment as contractual in nature in spite of the letter dated 3.12.2007 so specifying because I hold this letter, and also subsequent probationary/contractual appointment letters, to be a sham and given only for denying regular employment to respondent No.1 as LDC. The repeated appointments and terminations, have persuaded me to hold that the petitioner's -school's actions are a fraud upon the requirement to normally not to appoint an employee on contract basis. Accordingly, in a case where on account of genuine exigencies a contractual appointment is required (like when a regular employee suddenly leaves etc.) then such employment will be treated as adhoc/temporary/contractual and not a statutory one having protection of the Act & Rules. With this preface let us reproduce para 10 of Montfort Senior Secondary School's case (supra) and which reads as under: -
"10. In St. Xaviers' case (supra) the following observation was made, which was noted in Frank Anthony's case (supra): "A regulation which is designed to prevent mal -administration of an educational institution cannot be said to offend clause (1) of Article 30. At the same time it has to be ensured that under the power of making regulation nothing is done as would detract from the character of the institution as a minority educational institution or which would impinge upon the rights of the minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice. The right conferred by Article 30 is intended to be real and effective and not a mere pious and abstract sentiment; it is a promise of reality and not a teasing illusion. Such a right cannot be allowed to be whittled down by any measure masquerading as a regulation. As observed by this Court in the case of Rev. Sidhajbjai Sabhai (supra), regulations which may lawfully be imposed either by legislative or executive action as a condition of receiving grant or of recognition must be directed to making the institution while retaining its character as minority institution as an educational institution. Such regulation must satisfy a dual test the test of reasonableness, and the test that it is regulative of the educational character of the institution and is conclusive to making the institution an effective vehicle of education for the minority or other persons who resort to it." The effect of the decision in Frank Anthony's case (supra) is that the statutory rights and privileges of Chapter IV have been extended to the employees covered by Chapter V and, therefore, the contractual rights have to be judged in the background of statutory rights. In view of what has been stated in Frank Anthony's case (supra) the very nature of employment has undergone a transformation and services of the employees in minorities un -aided schools governed under Chapter V are no longer contractual in nature but they are statutory. The qualifications, leaves, salaries, age of retirement, pension, dismissal, removal, reduction in rank, suspension and other conditions of service are to be governed exclusively under the statutory regime provided in Chapter IV. The Tribunal constituted under Section 11 is the forum provided for enforcing some of these rights....."

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