Decided on September 12,2012

KULDEEP Appellant
Uoi And Ors. Respondents


Gita Mittal, J. - (1.)THE petitioner in the instant case has undergone the selection process for appointment as Constable (GD) in the Central Reserve Police Force pursuant to an advertisement dated 11 April, 2011. The petitioner qualified the written examination as well as the physical efficiency test. However, he was declared medically unfit in his medical examination conducted on 26 July, 2011 on the ground of "hypertension, knock knees and overweight". A Review Medical Board of the petitioner was conducted on 24 November, 2011 which found that the petitioner was not having knock knees. The petitioner was also not overweight. However, he was found to be suffering from hypertension and consequently, the Review Medical Board opined the petitioner having been unfit for recruitment. The present writ petition has been filed assailing the finding of the medical unfitness on two grounds. The first is that the petitioner has got himself medically examined at the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital on 29 July, 2011 and has been certified as medically fit. The hospital has noted the blood pressure of the petitioner as well. The petitioner has further submitted that the review medical examination was not conducted as per the prescribed medical guidelines. Mr. Rajinder Nischal, learned counsel appearing for the respondents has placed before this court the "Uniform Guidelines Prescribed for Conduct of Medical Examination Test for Combined Recruitment of Constable/GD in CAPFs & ARs" for the year 2011 - 12. So far as the examination of blood pressure is concerned, the prescribed guideline is as follows: -
Examination of Blood Pressure -

66. BP should be recorded in all cases. candidate should not be rejected on the basis of single high reading. In case the blood pressure is recorded to be higher than 140 mm systolic and/or 90 mm Hg diastolic, at least 2 more recordings should be taken in lying position at an interval of 6 -8 hours before declaring him unfit. BP should be recorded in both arms. The candidate should be asked to relax and should not be subjected to strenuous/stressful activity immediately prior to the recording.

It is evident that three recording of the blood pressure in the lying position at the intervals of 6 to 8 hours one after another are required to be taken.

(2.)THE document of the Review Medical Board dated 24 November, 2011 shows that the respondents failed to record the other blood pressure readings on the same date. Instead it records that the blood pressure of the petitioner remained high on 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24 November, 2011. It was certainly not in terms of the guidelines.
Neither counsel is able to inform us as to whether the recording of the blood pressure on four different dates instead of repeating the same on the same day after intervals of different periods of time would make a difference.

(3.)BE that as it may, the Review Medical Board has not followed the binding guidelines on the subject. Given the doubt which is created by the certificate placed by the petitioner from the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital coupled with the above, it would appear to be essential that the petitioner is independently examined in terms of the aforenoticed guidelines. In case the petitioner was certified as fit, the cancellation of his selection was improper, he would require to be given the employment. In view of the above, it is directed as follows:
(i) The petitioner shall appear before the Commandant, R&R Hospital, Delhi on 3rd October, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. who shall refer the petitioner to appropriate specialist(s) for conducting his medical examination.

(ii) The report of the petitioner's medical examination shall be communicated to the Director General, CRPF who shall consider the same. The report shall also be communicated to the petitioner.

(iii) In case the petitioner is found medically fit, appropriate steps towards his appointment shall be undertaken within a period of four weeks from the receipt of the report of the medical examination of the petitioner from R&R Hospital.

This writ petition as well as the application are disposed of in the above terms.

Dasti to counsel for the parties.

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