Decided on March 04,2021

Commandant Gajraj Singh Kabodula Appellant
UNION OF INDIA Respondents


- (1.)The petition has been heard by way of video conferencing.
(2.)Present writ petition has been filed challenging the order dated 24th August, 2020 passed by the Respondent No 2, wherein the petitioner's ROG representation dated 6th
(3.)The primary allegation in the present writ petition is that respondents had promoted officers in DPC-2019 who were placed lower to the petitioner in the 'Order of Merit List'. The said allegation is premised on an alleged list of officers selected and promoted by DPC-2019, which has been March, 2020, against denial of promotion to him to the rank of Deputy Inspector General (DIG) was rejected. annexed as Annexure P-4 to the present writ petition. In the writ petition it has been averred that a similarly situated officer i.e. DIG D Dinakaran, who was also not selected by DPC-2019 had filed an ROG representation with the Ministry of Defence/National Commission for Schedule Castes against denial of promotion to him during DPC-2019 making similar allegations. A copy of the Order of Merit List allegedly filed by DIG D Dinakaran with his ROG has been attached as Annexure P-4 to the writ petition. The relevant para of the writ petition mentioning the source of Annexure P-4, is reproduced hereinbelow:-
"14. That, the Petitioner did not question the outcome of the DPC2019 and continued to discharge his duties to the best of his abilities. It is pertinent to mention that a similarly situated officer i.e., DIG D Dinakaran (0469-P), who was also not selected by DPC-2019 had/has put up ROG representation to MoD/ National Commission for Schedule Castes against denial of promotion to him during DPC-2019. However, the said officer has been promoted to the rank of DIG during the pendency of his ROG. True copy of "Order of Merit List" (As submitted by DIG D Dinakaran with his ROG to MoD/Commission for Scheduled Castes) and the list of officers selected and promoted by DPC-2019 is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE - P-4."

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