(1.)This second appeal preferred by the appellants/LRs. of original plaintiff - Kheduram Sahu was admitted for hearing on the following substantial questions of law:-
"1. Whether the finding recorded by the first appellate Court that the suit land Schedule 'A' was the self-acquired property of Phool Singh?
2. Whether the Courts below have committed error of law by refusing decree of partition between the parties when the plaintiff as well as defendants No. 1 and 2 have claimed decree for partition?"
(For the sake of convenience, parties would be referred hereinafter as per their status and ranking shown in the suit before the trial Court.)
(2.)The following genealogical tree would demonstrate the relationship among the parties:-
(3.)Sukhram had four sons namely Milau, Phoolsingh, Banaram and Sadaram. Phoolsingh had one son namely Kheduram who is the plaintiff and two daughters namely Agasiya who is defendant No. 1 and Khediya who died leaving behind her daughter Neminbai who is defendant No. 2.
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