(1.)Petitioners are before this Court calling in question the proceedings in Cr. No.0391/2021
registered for the offences punishable under Ss. 3 ,
4 , 5 and 6 of Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956 (' ITP Act' for short).
(2.)Heard Sri. Akram Paasha D.M., learned counsel appearing for petitioners and Smt. K.P.Yashodha,
learned High Court Government Pleader for the
(3.)Facts in brief are as follows: A complaint is registered on 28/10/2021 by the
respondent-police against the petitioners for the
offences punishable under the ITP Act and proceedings
were initiated in Crime No.0391/2021, on the ground
that, the petitioners were customers who were found at
the time when the premises was searched on
28/10/2021 by the police. Result of the search was seizure of several materials.
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