(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)All these four appeals have been filed impugning
an order dated 30th September, 2011 of the High Court of
Kerala whereby the writ petitions filed for issuance of
writs of Habeas Corpus, assailing the orders of
detention dated 26th February, 2011 passed under the
provisions of Conservation of Foreign Exchange and
prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
(hereinafter referred to as 'the COFEPOSA') were
rejected by the High Court.
(3.)It is not in dispute that the facts in all the
cases are the same. Common ground is that an order of
detention under Section 3 of the COFEPOSA was served on
all the detenus on 10th March, 2011 on whose behalf
petitions were filed before the High Court and
therefore, their detention under the COFEPOSA
commenced on and from 10th March, 2011. In these
proceedings, we are not going into the merits of the
grounds or the recitals thereof.
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